As ministers who have each founded their own ministries, we understand the challenges and perils of operating a stand-alone ministry or church. One reason we've created Fifth Element Free Church is to provide the framework and infrastructure for independent ministries and churches to come together, share resources, support one another, increase our membership and expand the impact for our communities.
Association Benefits
Associated churches are invited to live educational webinars with Q & A.
Sermon Opportunities
Weekly sermons take place live over zoom each Saturday. Ministers from associated churches are invited to share their knowledge and lead sermons regularly.
Associated church ministers may become officially ordained once they complete Fifth Element Free Church's education program
Ecclesiastical Governance
It is an unfortunate truth that disagreements within ministries happen. In the event that an associated church needs help, Fifth Element Free Church provides mediation for disputes and creates tribunals when necessary.
Church Seal
All associated churches receive the official Fifth Element Associated Church seal to be used for online and written materials.
Private F.E.F.C Community
All associated churches receive access to a private webpage that provides contact information for other associated churches. They are also featured in our monthly "In the Spotlight" email that is sent to the greater church membership.
Discuss ordainment program...
We expect minister to regularly give sermons to the membership
Regular Donations
Introduce monthly tithes